SKU: EN-F20187
Indeed Cal Shakes is celebrating its 40th anniversary by revisiting the first play it ever produced, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” with such an audacious blast of inventiveness it’s as if it’s an entirely new play. Shana Cooper’s strange and beautiful production is shot through with surreal images, evocative moments and keen insights into the volatile nature of love. “Dream” is so popular and so beloved that the fairy tale often loses its edge. Directors usually overstuff the fable with glitter and fluff, from cherubs to special effects. But Cooper (who directed “Romeo and Juliet” last year) cleverly throws all that gossamer preciousness out the window. This enchanted forest is a dark and dangerous netherworld, a stark tableau of wood, dirt and tulle buffeted by the wind. Nina Ball’s set grounds the play in a sort of primal fantasy where all the characters must expose their most elemental selves.
The season – Nicholas McGegan’s final as the period instrument orchestra’s music director – opens Oct, 17 with the world premiere of Shaw’s “The Listeners,” with contralto Avery Amereau ballerina clipart-ballet clipart-ballerina clip art & digital paper set-lavender-aqua-ballet shoes-flowers-floral-tiara-buy2get1 and bass-baritone Dashon Burton joining McGegan, the orchestra and the Philharmonia Chorale, Handel’s “Eternal Source of Light Divine” completes the program, “Mozart’s Musings” (Nov.13-17) features Jeannette Sorrell conducting the composer’s Symphony No, 40 in G minor and the Concerto for Oboe in C Major, with Gonzalo Ruiz as soloist, “Judas Maccabaeus” (Dec, 5-8) stars tenor Nicholas Phan in the title role of Handel’s oratorio..
Corich knew about Stars 2000 through associate producer Ellen Smith, a career counselor at Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, where Corich’s children attend. “I was always impressed with the production that Stars 2000 put on at Las Lomas’ theater,” said Corich, a Walnut Creek resident. “One day, while talking to her about an upcoming production, I said, ‘I can sew; do you ever need help? She looked at me in such a way I knew I was going to be roped in.”.
Loaded with technical agility, while Bendigkeit can and does take any measure of a song and ballerina clipart-ballet clipart-ballerina clip art & digital paper set-lavender-aqua-ballet shoes-flowers-floral-tiara-buy2get1 sail it out to speed — jazz, swing, rock or pop — the man pulls his listeners in, like sea to shore, Bendigkeit and his trio “Full Circle,” Jim Nichols on guitar, Mario Suraci on stand-up bass and Bendigkeit on trumpet, will be playing this Sunday at Shintaikido of Pacifica, The concert “Songs for Deborah” is dedicated to the memory of Dave’s late wife, Deborah May Haddad, Deborah, a longtime Pacifican and a licensed acupuncturist, with a great many loving friends in the community, passed away in December of 2008..
The council voted in October to send plans for the third phase of the Town Center project back to the city’s design review and planning commissions after discussing the building’s design and mass. Developer KB Homes is seeking approvals for a smaller, four-story building than initially proposed and an amendment to the city’s BART Block Specific Plan which sets building heights at three stories and 35 feet in an area of downtown. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Lafayette Library and Learning Center, 3491 Mt. Diablo Boulevard.
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