ballet type slippers

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ballet type slippers

ballet type slippers

OAKLAND — Brandon Chase Wittenauer hadn’t planned on going to the dance party in East Oakland Friday night. The 32-year-old musician from Hayward, who went by “Chase” and “Nex Iuguolo,” got a last-minute call asking him to come to the warehouse known as the Ghost Ship, his aunt, Enid Dias,” said Monday, recounting what she’d heard from her home 3,000 miles away in Florida. Later that night, the space turned into an inferno, and Wittenauer was one of at least 36 people killed in the blaze. Authorities have released the names of 17 of those victims, including Wittenauer, and have said a 17-year-old also died in the blaze.

“The Devils,” a 1971 film starring Vanessa Redgrave as a 17th-century nun in the grip of demonic possession, was heavily cut for its U.S, release and is due to be released on DVD in Britain for the first time in 2012, Russell told The Associated Press in 1987 that he found such censorship “so tedious and boring.” He called the American print of “The Devils” “just a butchered nonsense.”, Critics ballet type slippers were often unimpressed by Russell’s work, Alexander Walker called him a master of “the porno-biography which is not quite pornography but is far from being biography.” Pauline Kael said his films “cheapen everything they touch.”..

A quick verbal Rorschach test: What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you read: “The Way You Look (at me) Tonight”?  Whatever you imagine (Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers? something steamier?) is probably light-years away from what audiences will see in the new collaborative performance work with that title, choreographed by Jess Curtis and Claire Cunningham. Curtis has been a notable presence on the Bay Area dance scene for more than 30 years, both as a performer-dancer with Contraband and a choreographer for his own company, Jess Curtis/Gravity. His work has received six Isadora Duncan Awards locally, and he is highly sought after in the international dance world, as well.

Moscow Ballet, “Great Russian Nutcracker.” 4 and 8 p.m, Dec, 19, Flint Center, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, $30, (Discounts available.) ballet type slippers Ticketmaster 800-345-7000 or, World Wide Dance Party, Bay Area Funk Extravaganza, 7 p.m, Nov, 29, Club Fox, 2209 Broadway, Redwood City, $20, 877-435-9849 or, TheatreWorks 45th Anniversary Gala, Nov, 8, Honoring Donald Kennedy, president emeritus, Stanford University, Cocktails, black-tie dinner, benefit auction, musical offering, Hotel Sofitel, Redwood Shores, Contact Director of Advancement Jodye Friedman at 650-463-7135 or email

That’s right, Malia is like the rest of us: She can’t remember her Apple ID. It’s easy to imagine Michelle Obama frantically making phone calls to former staffers to see if anyone remembers it. It’s also easy to imagine the concerns Malia and Michelle have about the phone winding up in the wrong hands; the phone could have the personal numbers of some pretty powerful people. Page Six said that a representative for the Obama family declined to comment. This story has been updated to include TMZ’s report that Malia Obama was driven out of the festival in a golf cart.

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