SKU: EN-F20106
Steinway Society The Bay Area. Denis Kozhukhin: 7:30 p.m. Nov. 22, McAfee Performing Arts Center, 20300 Herriman Ave., Saratoga. Alexander Korsantia: 7:30 p.m. Feb.7, 2015, Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. Alexander Ghindin: 7:30 p.m. March 14, 2015, Smithwick Theatre, Foothill College, 12345 El Monte Blvd., Los Altos Hills. Lavrova-Primakov Duo: 7:30 p.m. April 18, 2015, Visual & Performing Arts Center, De Anza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino. Sofya Gulyak: 7 p.m. May 17, 2015, Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto. Subscriptions: $190-$295 for 7 concerts, $125-$200 for 4 concerts; single tickets: $40-$60; discounts available for students and seniors. 408-990-0872 or
In Valor’s bedroom, the tableau seems helpless and coldly clinical, But online, he is adroitly concluding a $30,000 “crowd-funded” campaign to fund a small research project at the La Jolla-based Salk Institute and is dance necklace, personalized ballet necklace, crystal ballet shoe necklace, hand stamped recital necklace, ballerina, ballet sli writing up findings for publication, “He clearly understands the science behind drug discovery research and the conceptual hang-ups that have prevented big pharmaceutical companies from developing any effective treatment for diseases like ALS, AD and Huntington’s,” said Schubert..
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Follow the lead of a model of industry. Discussions with intimate companions can become heated if you assert yourself. A “go-getter” can achieve positive results in the second half of the week. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Nail down networking skills. You may open up some new avenues to travel upon and do business in the week to come. Opinions voiced in the outer world may persuade you to take important steps. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Your boundless enthusiasm can breathe life into humdrum routines but don’t get carried away. Wait until at least mid-week to start new projects or spend large amounts of money.
“We had a lot of people watching,” the personable Roman said of the shoot, “It was hard to keep the excited dogs out of the frame.” (Visit the Rockaway-filmed piece at:, Originally from Heiden, Switzerland, at age 18, Roman moved to Los Angeles, “I taught children’s ballet and German as dance necklace, personalized ballet necklace, crystal ballet shoe necklace, hand stamped recital necklace, ballerina, ballet sli part of an internship program through my college in Switzerland,” Roman said, “While here, I realized my chance to change my major from psychology and childhood development to dance.”..
• Santa Run Silicon Valley–By the time Dec. 16 rolls around, you may well be doing the same thing: Those Christmas cookies and other holiday treats tend to take their toll. So what better way to shave off a few calories (and the attendant guilt) than to lace up your sneaks and hit the road? Holiday-themed costumes are enthusiastically encouraged for everyone who signs up for this 5K run/walk, which benefits Christmas in the Park and Downtown Ice. Pre-race activities begin at 3 p.m.; the starting gun goes off at 4 p.m. at Plaza de Cesar Chavez, Park and S. Market streets, San Jose. Special tip: Registration is $35 (includes bib, timing chip and long-sleeved race shirt), or for an extra $5, race organizers will toss in a Santa suit (could this be the beginning of a Guinness record for most running Santas in a race?). All kids 10 and under will receive special child-sized Santa hats. Call 888.810.2062 or visit for more information.
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