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flexible shock absorbent case for iphone xs

You could be in the middle of a massive space battle or dive to the bottom of a shipwreck and come face to face with a blue whale. Or you could watch cartoon bunnies hack your brain. Maybe you want to meet people from around the world and chat while hanging out on a idyllic beach. For some people, VR is more than that. Rae O'Neil, a 34-year-old IT worker from Nova Scotia, had always been fascinated with VR. But it was her grandfather's reaction to the Rift that made its promise clear. In his 80s and disabled after losing a leg a few years prior, he put on the headset and began using an app called Blue Marble, which lets you float in space, looking at planets while music plays in the background.

"He felt like he was actually in space," she recalled, It brought a tear to her grandfather's eye, Those kind of otherworldly experiences helped convince Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to buy Oculus after trying a prototype of the headset back in 2014, "Virtual reality was once the dream of science fiction," Zuckerberg wrote on his social network after buying the flexible shock absorbent case for iphone xs startup, Back then, he said, VR had the potential to remake everything from education to medicine to communications, just like the phone and computer had done in their day, "The future is coming."It still is..

President Barack Obama, in 2016, watches a VR film captured during his trip to Yosemite National Park. Oculus' flagship Rift headset hit store shelves in March 2016, with so much hype leading up to the launch that even then-President Barack Obama gave it a whirl as part of a virtual tour of the White House. But a lot of people still haven't bought in. Facebook's been tight-lipped about shipments, but several people familiar with Oculus said that fewer than a quarter million Rift headsets were sold during their first year on the market. Facebook declined to comment on Rift sales.

The price cuts were enough to juice demand for Oculus, two people familiar with the company said, Though current total tallies couldn't be learned, at least a million units are estimated to have been sold, Sony, by comparison, says it sold more than a million units of the PlayStation VR as of June, just eight months after going on sale, HTC didn't respond to a request for sales data, The question of demand is causing some VR game and app developers to worry about their future, "It's not happy sunshine and rainbows," said James Iliff, co-founder and creative chief at VR game maker Survios, which made early hit shooters Zombies on the Holodeck and Raw Data, one of the first VR games to rack up $1 million in sales, "We are very much in a trough of disillusionment."That flexible shock absorbent case for iphone xs "trough of disillusionment" comes from the "Hype Cycle," a theory popularized by research firm Gartner and whose stages have become mantra in Silicon Valley, The goal of the Hype Cycle is to chart the expectations and emotions around products as they're introduced, innovated upon and eventually adopted -- or not..

In the beginning, there's the "Innovation Trigger," when new tech is introduced. Then hype and excitement begin to build until the new thing eventually hits the "Peak of Inflated Expectations." That's followed by the crash into the "Trough of Disillusionment." (Gartner says VR is nearly out of that stage and headed into the "Slope of Enlightenment," just before mass adoption.). Iliff and his co-founders worked on early VR research before Oculus was founded. He felt expectations were getting too high, particularly in the media, and expected a backlash of sorts. So, he's prepared.

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