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The late Humberto Garcia, founder of El Excentrico, invited Diaz to start a photographic column, which became a community favorite. He later contributed to El Avisador entertainment magazine and community papers. His widow said Diaz made pocket money shooting weddings, baptisms and formal events and conferences sponsored by local Latino groups, including the American G.I. Forum and Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He photographed many local politicians, including former San Jose Mayors Susan Hammer and Norman Mineta, at these events.

Stephen, who is now 15, this fall began studying with Aaron Rosand at Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music, leather black ballet flats/ ballerina shoes/ women's shoes/ handmade flats/ elegant flats/ wedding shoes/ custom shoes Previously, Stephen had studied with longtime teacher Li Lin at the San Francisco Conservatory, Preparatory Division, and over summer and winter breaks in recent years, he has participated in the Perlman Music Program, founded by legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman, Among his already numerous awards is first prize in the junior division and a special award for best interpretation of a romantic concerto in all divisions at the International Louis Spohr Competition for Young Violinists in Weimar, Germany..

Exam Cram. Bring study materials and snacks. Wi-Fi, outlets and quiet stress relievers provided at weekly study sessions for high school students. 3 to 6 p.m. May 31, and 3 to 4:45 p.m. June 2. Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St., Alameda. Free. 510-747-7777, www.alamedafree.org. Lawyers in the Library. Talk one-on-one with a volunteer attorney on how to solve a legal issue. Sign-ups at 5:30 p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. June 1. Alameda Free Library, 1550 Oak St., Alameda. Free. 510-747-7777, www.alamedafree.org.

The couple has two children, Anthony who is going into his sophomore year at Riordan High School (San Francisco) and Steven, a seventh grader at Vallemar, Both boys grew up in leather black ballet flats/ ballerina shoes/ women's shoes/ handmade flats/ elegant flats/ wedding shoes/ custom shoes their mom’s studio, “It’s been their second home since they were four weeks old.” Sue notes her eldest taps and has followed in her “ham” footsteps, Her youngest is more interested in sports and doesn’t like to perform on stage, “As to whether my husband can dance, the answer is, no way, I was glad he danced at our wedding.”..

As a liberal, I’m supposed to cheer that line. But a more apt metaphor is this. When former Gov. Gray Davis increased already very generous pension accrual rates by half, it was a run for the gold and a raid on limited resources. We shouldn’t demonize public employees for receiving pay and benefits that are commensurate with their skills and experience and the value they provide. Unfortunately, the “collective bargaining” mentioned by Nguyen has no counterpart in private-sector labor-management relations. It is quid pro quo collusion between elected officials and unions. “Shareholders” have no seat at the table. This fraudulent “collective bargaining” dance needs to be reformed.

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