SKU: EN-F20100
Saratoga’s eighth annual Arbor Day event took place April 22 at Saratoga City Hall, offering an opportunity for residents to learn more about the city’s trees as well as how to care for their own trees and plants. City arborist Kate Bear was on hand to answer questions about trees and, as is customary, elected officials planted an oak tree in front of city hall alongside a bronze plaque and rock marking it as an Arbor Day tree. Three-thousand eggs and not one but two Easter bunnies took over Wildwood Park on April 19 for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows’ sixth annual Easter Egg Hunt. Saratoga children and their families searched for the hidden eggs and participated in activities that included face painting, three-legged races, limbo and a hula hoop contest. Saratoga’s new community librarian, Allison Parham, read stories about Easter.
The loud, impossibly exuberant record producer Harry Hawkes (Ralph Fiennes) arrives uninvited at an idyllic retreat, where the couple already vacationing there — skinny-dipping, lovemaking and dining on mouthwatering cuisine — has been living in splendid isolation, That’s the setup pastel flower girls shoes white satin flats, girls ballet style slippers, closed toe flats, pink, whimsical, woodland,garden chi for filmmaker Luca Guadagnino’s sunbaked mystery, The woman is Marianne Lane (Tilda Swinton), a rock star on a Bowie-esque scale, who is mostly keeping quiet while she recovers from surgery on her vocal cords, Her companion, Paul (Matthias Schoenaerts), is a filmmaker who seems almost unaware of how handsome he is..
Opportunity Junction provides technology, literacy and personal development training for low-income Contra Costa residents. Tax preparation, resume review, interview coaching, computer training and additional resource information are just a few of the services offered. Putting people on the path to economic self-sufficiency is the Antioch-based nonprofit’s purpose. “People come to us most often for job training,” said Executive Director Alissa Friedman. “They usually think they need technology skills, but they stay for the life skills, for what they learn about themselves.”.
“They’ve had their schedules change day-of, but because we built flexibility into the structure, the students are prepared,” she said, Travolta has a hard time choosing where to lay his compliments: students or Livermore, In the end, he settles for both, “You always hope for the best and it has been the best, Local pastel flower girls shoes white satin flats, girls ballet style slippers, closed toe flats, pink, whimsical, woodland,garden chi businesses are helping out and people are aware that these kids have ability, We’re just bringing them out and showing their gifts.”, He’s interrupted by another call for “quiet on the set,” and all attention goes to two students: Jeff Smith, announcing the fifth take, and sound boom operator John Tokarek, angling the microphone toward the actors, During this take, no one drops a metal creamer, no actor skips a line, no phone calls interrupt; the timing is perfect..
• The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA plans its 3rd annual Kitten Nursery Shower and Car Adoption event for noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 20, at the Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame. Visitors will be able to watch volunteers using syringes to feed tiny kittens, learn about the work done at the center, and learn about volunteering opportunities, including foster care of animals. The free event includes face-painting for children and a balloon-animal maker. Snacks were donated for the event by Copenhagen Bakery and Trader Joe’s. Guests are asked to bring shower gifts for the kittens. The most needed items include KMR formula (liquid only), baby wipes, paper towels and cotton balls. Guests can purchase some of these gift items at the PHS/SPCA on-site store along with a limited edition Kitten Nursery T-shirt. Sales of all items benefit PHS/SPCA shelter animals. For more information, visit
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