SKU: EN-F20013
“Skyline College saved my life! Thanks to Skyline College, I achieved educational, career, personal achievement,” said an emotional Higgins as she thanked numerous faculty members and staff and the President’s Innovation Fund. “I have now graduated from Skyline College with an associate degree; transferred to San Francisco State University with honors; became a leader in the school community and involved in social justice issues; and graduated with a bachelor’s degree and a Master of Arts degree (College of Ethnic Studies) from SFSU. I am a professional woman who has determined career goals, has achieved educational achievement, and is self-sufficient; no longer a CalWORKS (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) recipient!”.
She is backed up by a genuinely touching performance (vocal and otherwise) from Jihn Sabir as the proud, strong-willed Sofia, who loves Mr, _____’s rather innocuous son Harpo (Brian M, Landry), Her rendition of “Hell No!” is a hoot, While Landry does right in his vocalizations, his acting range is minimal, Nevertheless, director Foster size 2 ballet flats coaxes as much as she can from him, and when the lanky Landry and the rather voluptuous Sabir get together, their sexual attraction is evident and they shoot sparks everywhere..
Suffice it to say, Festival Napa Valley is not your typical music festival. It’s not even your typical classical music festival. It’s something much more lavish: a rare combination of world-class musicians, dancers and artists, gourmet food and postcard-perfect scenery. No lines. No roiling crowds. And you don’t even have to be well off to attend. Many performances are free. Now in its 13th year, the festival formerly known as Festival del Sole draws 10,000 people annually to see legendary talent in sublime surroundings, from violinist Joshua Bell to Broadway and Disney singing sensation Lea Salonga.
“He was not in a good mood after being eliminated and told cast members that he felt like Chris Soules’ incident had an impact on him,” an insider told OK! “Basically, he was blaming everyone else but himself.”, The OK! report didn’t mention that “Star Trek” legend William Shatner, a rabid, high-profile “Dancing WIth the Stars” fan, campaigned against Viall. Early in this season of the TV ballroom dance competition, Shatner took size 2 ballet flats to Twitter to urge other viewers to vote Viall off the show..
In most cultures, dance doesn’t exist as a creative realm separate from music. Rather, synchronizing movement and sound is an inextricably linked endeavor that’s experienced as an indivisible creation. While various modern and post-modern Western dance practices sundered the connection (see: Cunningham, Merce) or did away with music entirely (Judson Dance Theater, I’m looking at you), contemporary choreographers seem more eager than ever to work directly with composers and musicians. The fall dance season is rife with major productions that hinge on musicians and dancers sharing the same space in real time, created by choreographers and players devoted to expanding opportunities for these synergistic collaborations. Jazz, chamber music and pop are all grist for dancemakers looking for the frisson of live interaction on stage. Three of the following programs will offer that thrill.
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