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I've entered my third full day with the phone. Day 2 was mostly a blur of media hits, after a nearly sleepless night. Everything you're reading here is new as of the afternoon of Wednesday, November 1. I'm a pretty quick adopter of weird, new tech. The iPhone X isn't even that weird: it's really an evolved iPhone, with a sharp design and some new ways to use it. But I found, sure enough, that my first day with Apple's top-end phone was a learning process. Face ID and its log-in process. All the new swipes and gestures and button-presses. Learning to accept The Notch In The Screen.
Know you're ready to buy? Get the iPhone X here: 64GB space gray | 64GB silver | 256GB space gray | 256GB silver, Day 2 was spent demoing the phone to people who hadn't seen it before: on CBS This Morning, with Charlie Rose and Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell, To Vlad Duthiers and Anne-Marie Green on CBSN, (Note skeleton yoga iphone case that CNET is a division of CBS.) To Jon Fortt, Carl Quintanilla and Sara Eisen at CNBC, Lots of people gave me their thoughts, and took selfie photos, It seemed like the design didn't bother anyone, and most people liked it, The selfie camera Portrait Mode was a hit, Animoji charmed people, But the question I kept getting asked is, who's paying $1,000 for it?..
A thousand dollars is a magic number, and really, iPhones have already gotten nearly there with the iPhone 8 Plus. I think the kicker here is that this nice-looking X sits as an extra upgrade option above the 8 Plus, which is already an upgrade option to the 8. By its price alone, it's not The Phone For Everybody. Learning the new gestures confused others who tried it briefly. I was already used to how everything worked. Suddenly I became the expert. I realized I had the hang of it. I went trick-or-treating with my kids, taking photos in the twilight with the iPhone X telephoto lens. Then I finally had a real night's sleep.
But I enjoyed the telephoto camera's new optical image stabilization, I still had moments of blur, but it seemed to me that, at last, 2X zoom photos looked as good as the wide-angle ones, Zoom feels more powerful as a result, And I've gotten a kick out of the selfie shots, I learned that the Portrait Mode on the selfie camera tends to favor one person and keep them in focus, but if you skeleton yoga iphone case stay close together, it'll help keep two people in focus at once, Or, you can choose to not have Portrait Mode on at all, Also, selfie portrait mode doesn't work with backgrounds that are too far in the distance: it needs something in middle distance, generally, in my experience, Otherwise it'll just default to a regular selfie photo..
Yeah, I know flash is better, but I still never use flash. I woke up to the glow of the iPhone X next to me. I picked it up in the darkness and suddenly realized, oh, yeah, OLED. I've used plenty of OLED phones before (Samsung's lineup in particular, including the Galaxy Note 8). I first thought the iPhone 8 Plus display, casually viewed, was sometimes similarly good-looking to the iPhone X, but in dimmer conditions X definitely edges it out for a more vivid experience. I hadn't typed much on the iPhone X in my first hours with it. Then I started taking notes. I saw what others were commenting on: the keyboard has a lot of empty space underneath its virtual keys. What's going on?.
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