iphone case that holds cards

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iphone case that holds cards

If your phone becomes seriously damaged to the point that you'll need to pay to fix it, there are still two things you can try. You can buy Apple Care Plus -- within 60 days of your original purchase -- and get coverage for two incidents of damage that occur any time within two years of the date you bought the phone. You still pay $29 for screen repair and $99 for anything else. Apple Care Plus costs. In my case, repairing (or swapping) the soggy iPhone 8 would cost $230 before tax, which is still a fraction of the iPhone 8's $700 starting cost.

Your second avenue of recourse would be to check in with your carrier about its extended warranty, In that case, the carrier would be responsible for helping you fix the problem, not Apple, What you would and wouldn't get is a lot less straightforward, since carrier policies vary, so there's more leg work on your end, Finally, an important word on "waterproofing." The phone world is guilty of using iphone case that holds cards that term interchangeably with "water-resistance," which is what it really is, I do it, too, But just know that phones aren't really waterproof, because electronics and water don't naturally mix, Phonemakers use various techniques, like a nanocoating, to seal device innards from liquid damage..

Even a few drops on exposed electronics can threaten to kill a phone dead, hence all those online suggestions on how to dry a wet phone with rice and silica packs. CNET will continue to submit phones to waterproofing claims as part of our testing process, but as an owner of a new, expensive phone, your best bet is still to handle your investment carefully. Don't worry your stomach into knots if the phone gets wet, but understand that water resistance is really about preventing accidents, not using your phone as an underwater camera.

Cameras on "waterproof" phones shouldn't look like this, Take a look at this picture of the gold iPhone 8 (£594 at Amazon.co.uk) camera lens, Do you see the water droplets crowding together like an iridescent prism? It's beautiful, but has no place in a camera, especially one rated to repel water as deep as 3 feet for up to 30 minutes, And yet, it happened to our phone, Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic, We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you iphone case that holds cards to read, Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion..

He likes to tell a joke or two. You might, therefore, have missed a touching tweak of Apple's cheek offered by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on a trip to India. He was there to create excitement around the idea that the Microsoft brand has changed. In many ways, the job Nadella has done to try to make Microsoft relevant in the modern world -- and still a competitor in some spheres to Apple -- has been praiseworthy. Indeed, he seems to be so confident now that he'll cheerily make quips about Apple.

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