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I certainly didn’t, until an editor recently tipped me off. But a lot of people do know, meaning it’s always a packed house at this alcohol-free, family-friendly event that draws regulars, first-timers, farm hands in flannel shirts, city slickers with skinny jeans and tats, students from UC Santa Cruz and Stanford, kids and grandparents, friends and soon-to-be friends, and even my husband and me. It’s almost too popular — you have to RSVP that you’re coming, and bring no more than a group of 10. In fact, when I first contacted the Pie Ranch folks about an article, they were happy to have more publicity about the farm itself and its educational programs (more on that in a sec), but they weren’t sure the dance required any more press. So do me a favor and don’t y’all go running down there at once, OK?.

“Regular patients — many arrive spring through late summer — include songbirds and seabirds, hawks and owls, ducks and ducklings, and mammals; some are orphaned and require help to develop, while others arrive with injuries.”, Annually, PHS/SPCA receives thousands of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife, At peak times, more than 200 wild animals receive care, which is made possible by donations and dozens of volunteers helping highly trained staff, Donations are welcome, as the ballet dancer shoes dance mom rhinestone iron on transfer hotfix bling Wildlife Care Center always needs mealworms, raw unsalted peanuts, dove seed, unsalted creamy peanut butter, and spray millet..

San Mateo County History Museum. Playing Grown-Up: Toys from the Harry P. Costa Collection, Feb. 14 through Dec. 31, 2012. Toys from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s that allowed children to mimic the activities of adults, such as a pedal-car fire truck and airplane, Tonka work trucks, an electric 1929 Lionel Stove & Oven, a G-men Fingerprint Set, a “Miss Friday” mechanical doll and a Lionel train. San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood City. $3-$5; free to Association members. or 650-299-0104.

Dr, Laura Berman, a sex and relationship ballet dancer shoes dance mom rhinestone iron on transfer hotfix bling therapist in Chicago, binged for the first time recently while stuck in an airport for six hours, “I lost my virginity to ‘House of Cards,’ ” she said, Berman sees similarities with dating behavior that point to the pleasure centers of the brain, “I don’t know whether there’s been evidence of this,” she said, “but when you’re in a brand-new relationship, with a real human, that is, they have documented that the dopamine centers of the brain, those sort of addiction centers of the brain, are actually firing like crazy, which is why you feel almost addicted to your new love and why when you break up, especially during that phase, it’s so unbelievably heartbreaking and feels like withdrawal almost.”..

More movies are scheduled in the next couple of weeks (usually starting at 7 p.m.), finishing Feb. 25 with “Cost of a Soul,” one of the most popular movies of Cinequest 2010. Check the events calendar at for the schedule. HAPPY NOW? San Jose is the “happiest city to work,” according to online job-satisfaction site CareerBliss. That would come as a big surprise to many people I know, who either aren’t working at all or are much happier in San Jose when they’re not on duty.

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