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Carl Pei (centre, orange shirt) with all the attendees of the London meetup. Pei was open about OnePlus' past issues. "If I had to honestly assess our service, I'd say it's average," he said. "If you have a bad experience with our product, you'll put off your friends and family from buying that product. If you have a good time, you'll become an advocate for that product. "People don't believe in what the adverts are telling them, but they'll believe what their friend has told them," Pei said. Complaints that day ranged from delays in deliveries to faulty handsets not being replaced quickly enough to poor quality of accessories to difficulty in even getting in touch with a service representative.

But olixar flexishield iphone x gel case - jet black it isn't just customer service that's been a problem for the company, As OnePlus grew in popularity, it lost touch with the solid community that had built up from day one, "We were sitting in an ivory tower." Pei said, "We stopped coming out and engaging directly with our users, We've talked about 'Never Settle' [the OnePlus slogan] now nobody even knows what that means anymore."Attendee Joshua agreed, "After the OnePlus 2, they just closed off and decided not to talk anymore," he said, (The attendees I spoke with declined to give their last names.)..

Following the London event, OnePlus published its promises for better customer service, which includes additional repair centres, better troubleshooting apps and insurance options, as well as further customer meetups to discuss ongoing issues. Carl Pei addresses the attendees. While much of the day's conversation focused on customer service issues, the question of OnePlus' identity cropped up again and again. "If you look at the OnePlus 5, it's very generic and that's a bad thing." says Joshua, "At the end of the day, do you want to be like every other smartphone brand or do you want to stand out from the crowd? They're trying to appeal to more users, but it's at the detriment of losing their true identity."It was exactly that identity as a welcoming, community-led company that's helped OnePlus pull customers away from Google.

"I've always been a Nexus freak," explained another attendee, Jessica, "But Google have gone mainstream with the Pixel, At first I was really excited and then I saw what it actually was -- shiny and nice, but olixar flexishield iphone x gel case - jet black so expensive, And that's not what I want, I got the OnePlus 5."Attendee Tom feels the same way: "The reason I was originally interested was because OnePlus filled the hole that Google had left with the Nexus devices -- being developer friendly and very customisable and so forth." Tom also uses the latest OnePlus 5, "I don't like Samsung at all, I think they have no taste," he said..

For Tom, the open interaction of OnePlus in its earlier days was a big draw. "They had transparency with the users, they interacted with them on forums, they were accepting of developers and modders," he said. "They were very much about making a device fit to the users, rather than making the user fit to the device. "If they actually listen to us properly and decide to make changes -- even small changes -- would make a huge difference, and I'd feel more like they are listening to us," Tom said. Jessica agreed. "If they keep learning and progressing the way they have, I'll be very interested in the OnePlus 6 whenever that's unveiled," she said. "As long as they don't sell out! And that's what a lot of companies do."First published Oct. 17, 2017, 5 a.m. PT.Update, 10:45 a.m. PT: Adds background on OnePlus data collection.

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