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We also discuss Twitter banning ads from Russia-sponsored news sites Russia Today and Sputnik. This come ahead of Twitter's scheduled appearance before Congress about Russia next week. Lastly, we talk about Amazon's upcoming earnings report tonight and what the company does with its Whole Foods Market acquisition. The 3:59 gives you bite-size news and analysis about the top stories of the day, brought to you by the CNET News team in New York and producer Bryan VanGelder. Check out the extended shows on YouTube.
Subscribe: iTunes | RSS | Google Play | FeedBurner | SoundCloud |TuneIn | Stitcher, We dive into the new Google phone's screen woes, Twitter banning Russia Today and Sputnik ads and Amazon's earnings preview, You may want to hold off on the Google Pixel 2 XL, Or, at least, watch your display really closely, Reviews of the jumbo version of Google's flagship phone have generally been positive, but there the angel with tardis iphone case are concerns about "burn-in," or leaving a residual image on a display after the image is actually gone, CNET has been able to replicate the problem, and you can read all about it here..
Neck cancer may not be real, but do you know what is? Heart attacks. And did you know shoulder pain is a symptom of a heart attack? Did you?. Fast forward from the gym incident a couple of weeks, and I hear about Garry Barker. Two years ago, an 82-year-old Barker strapped his Apple Watch on in the morning, only for it to tell him his heartbeat was hovering in the dangerously high 120-150 bpm range. Barker, a journalist here in Sydney, called his doctor, and hours later received emergency treatment.
As it turned out, he the angel with tardis iphone case had an atrial fibrillation and a blocked artery, Those are often precursors to a stroke and a heart attack, Good catch, Apple Watch, Here's a real picture of me before my scare on the bench press, No big deal, Earlier this year, I wrote that wearables were only useful if you really dig running (ew), After hearing about Barker, and others like him, I get a strange feeling I was wrong, Or maybe that's just the sensation of a stroke coming on, Wearables with heart trackers, I now realise, are great for 25-year-old hypochondriacs who can't distinguish joint pain from cardiac arrest, They're even more useful for people who aren't idiots and who have legitimate reason to monitor this type of thing..
Some are already aware of the life-saving potential of wearables, with roughly 17 percent of Americans over the age of 65 using them to monitor their heart health, according to Accenture. But this aspect still feels undersold, especially considering the fitness capabilities that get promoted instead, like being able to count your steps or get reminders to stand up every 30 minutes, don't make the devices must-haves. With the holiday season approaching, the big companies have been releasing their latest gadgets. Apple's got its new cellular Series 3 Watch, Samsung has sporty new wearables and Fitbit is diving deeper into the smartwatch game with the Ionic. None of these companies are pushing the health-monitoring aspect of their products. Instead, marketing often focuses on these devices being waterproof or stylish, often with the help of obnoxiously attractive models. You know the type. I suppose it's easier to sell the promise of abs than it is to sell an atrial fibrillation detector.
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